Science and Arts meets Start-ups!
Beim Transferscouting im Gateway der Universität zu Köln konzentrieren wir uns darauf, eure Forschungsergebnisse und innovativen Ideen marktreif zu machen. Wir begleiten euch von der ersten Idee bis hin zur Markteinführung, unterstützen bei der Prototypenentwicklung und bieten Patentberatung.
Durch die individuelle Beratung zu Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten und strategischer Vernetzung fördern wir den Erfolg eurer Ideen auf dem Markt oder in der Gesellschaft.
Gemeinsam arbeiten wir daran, eure Innovationen erfolgreich zu machen und einen echten Unterschied in der Welt zu erzielen. Entdeckt mit uns, wie eure Forschung bahnbrechende Innovationen hervorbringen kann.
Hier sind Events für dich
Was ist Transferscouting beim Gateway ESC genau?
Unsere Transferscouts in allen Fakultäten sind Ansprechpartner*innen für Wissenschaftler*innen und Studierende rund um die Nutzung von Wissen aus Forschung und Lehre.
Die Scouts sind Gesprächspartner*innen, deren fachlichen Hintergrund der Fakultät entspricht, an der sie tätig sind. Sie beraten dazu, wie Ideen zur Anwendung von Wissen in die Praxis umgesetzt werden können.
Dabei helfen sie mit Know-how zu Anwendungsreife, Technologietiefe und Innovationshöhe von Forschungsergebnisse sowie zu möglichen Förderprogrammen für die Entwicklung eines Anwendungs- oder Gründungsszenarios.
Sie kooperieren eng mit den Gateway-Start-up Coaches und dem Experten für Prototyping des Gateway ESC.
Bei Fragen zu Forschungskooperationen, Erfindungen und Schutzrechten (Intellectual Property) arbeiten die Scouts zudem eng mit der Transfer-Abteilung der Universität zu Köln zusammen.
Are the Transferscout services for me?
Our services are for everyone who is studying or working at the University of Cologne - or used to study/work here.
If you are wondering whether your idea or your research project could have potential for being developed into application, send your transferscout from your faculty an email and we will schedule a short appointment.
We are also happy to inform you about transfer opportunities in general or funding sources in the area of application.
At what stage should I contact Transferscouts?
Engage with the Transferscouts from your faculty early on!
We’ll help you with the development of your idea and research, with with financing and protecting your project.
Should I protect and/or publish my results?
As soon as you have an exciting research outcome or you have reached an innovative step or if you have made a discovery, you can speak with us before rushing to publish it or present your poster at the next conference.
Most of the times, you can protect as well as publish and with our help and that of the Transfer department of the University of Cologne. This way, you can create more value for your efforts early on during your research period.
I have an idea with a commercial potential. How can I turn it into a business?
We support you with agile innovation methods (e.g. Design Thinking, Rapid Prototyping, Lean Startup) to develop user-centric prototypes that can be easily tested and experienced.
This will help you to quickly and cost-effectively test whether your ideas have the potential to attract potential customers. We help you turn your ideas into tangible reality as quickly as possible and test your assumptions with potential users. The findings will help you to apply for grants or to convince investors.
How can the Transferscouts support me?
Transferscouts are the first point of contact for all researchers and academics seeking to transfer their research results into applications. With our teams at Gateway Excellence Start-up Center of the University of Cologne, the department of Research Management (Abt. 7) and in collaboration with external partners we support you to transfer your innovation into commercial and social entrepreneurial opportunities.
We are happy to support you in all aspects of transfer:
• Assistance in developing transfer projects
• Funding opportunities
• Intellectual property
• Connections to relevant industry and academic partners
How does Gateway ESC support spin-offs?
We provide support from the initial idea through the entire start-up process. We help with the very first evaluation and discussion of your business idea, support with exploitation options, patent application and matchmaking with network partners, and the funding phase.
We work in interdisciplinary teams to incorporate all our know-how and expertise.