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  • Event for:AlumniStudentsStartup EcosystemFoundersScientists
  • Event type:NetzwerkeventWettbewerbLecture

C3 - Campus Competition Cologne - 2nd network meeting

@ Gateway, Universität zu Köln, Weyertal 109, 50931 Köln

The Gateway Excellence Start-up Center is launching a new start-up competition this year, the Campus Competition Cologne - C3.

The search is on for the best eight start-ups by students, researchers or alumni of Cologne universities for the Gateway Accelerator.

The three first-place teams will also receive investment offers of 100.000 euros each from a venture capitalist.

At our networking meeting you will learn more about the competition and the Gateway Accelerator program.

You can meet our mentors and ask any questions you have about your participation.

Our agenda for the evening:

From 18:00 Entry

18:30 - 19:00 Info about the C3 & Gateway Accelerator

19:00 - 19:30 Speeddating mentors & applicants / interested parties

19:30 - 22:00 Free networking incl. after work beer & Q&A with start-up coaches from the Gateway.

Who can attend?

Applicants and interested parties, mentors and supporters.

Participation is free of charge.

Registration deadline is August 7, 2023.