Founders: Dr. Reza Esmaillie, Dr. Robin Bayer, Janine Krauss, Sebastian Bargfrede
Detechgene develops and distributes quick tests to detect infectious pathogens
Detechgene is a spin-off of the Nephrology Research Laboratory of the University Hospital Cologne Medicine II. Thanks to this collaboration, it was possible to develop a cartridge system that enables nucleic acid detection to be carried out on site within a very short time.
While our tests are as precise as a PCR performed in the laboratory, they can be performed by anyone. This allows viruses, bacteria and fungal infections to be detected anywhere.
The global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic prompted us to act - and thus our first test was born: the detection of SARS-CoV-2 viruses. In cooperation with the Virology Department of the University Hospital of Cologne, we are developing further tests to guarantee simple and precise detection of infectious agents for everyone.
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