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Academic Networks & Collaborations

We have a huge network - and we love to connect you!

The University of Cologne

The University of Cologne (UoC) is one of the largest in Germany. We cover following areas with our six faculties: Management, Economics and Social Science, Law, Arts and Humanities, Human Science, Medicine, Mathematics and Natural Science.

The UoC has a wide range of research areas and has also established thematically focused Key Profile Areas that address topics of high scientific and societal relevance. Well known Cluster of Excellence and research groups are a vivid example of the broad spectrum of research done at the UoC.

Good news: We have contacts in every faculty and institution.

Collaborations and academic network

Over 30 graduate schools and programs as well as a wide network of supra-regional collaborations are ideal conditions for early-stage researchers and you!

We know a lof of researchers and faculty members – maybe also the right one for your question?
The University of Cologne closely cooperates with universities and non-university research institutes in the region. With Gateway Connect you have a direct connection to the universities within Cologne: to TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, to RFH – University of Applied Science and to German Sport University Cologne (DSHS Köln).

Germany and beyond

Of course, we are well connected in the Rhineland and beyond – from RWTH Aachen and University of Bonn to TU Munich.

Think big – we can also help you on an international level – e.g. from Finland, the Netherlands to North Africa. You have ideas for international collaborations – let’s talk about it!